Tag: Florida

  • Over 7 million migrants have entered the US since 2021

    Over 7 million migrants have entered the US since 2021

    Over 7 million migrants and so-called “asylum seekers” have entered the United States since President Joe Biden assumed office in 2021. While the figures are staggering, they do not include approximately 1.8 million additional “gotaways,” or, individuals that have eluded capture. The Big Picture: If estimates are to be believed, then the population of non-White,…

  • UPDATE: British historian David Irving still alive

    UPDATE: British historian David Irving still alive

    UPDATE: A previous version of this article alleged that prominent British historian, David Irving had passed away. The information came from an unconfirmed source but a family member of Mr. Irving has now elaborated that their loved one is still alive. David Irving, the legendary British historian and Second World War revisionist, has allegedly passed…