Category: British Politics

  • Anti-‘woke’ leftwing populist wins British by-election after campaigning against Israel’s war in Gaza

    Anti-‘woke’ leftwing populist wins British by-election after campaigning against Israel’s war in Gaza

    Workers’ Party leader George Galloway won a sweeping victory in the Rochdale parliamentary by-election, winning 39.6% of the vote after campaigning against British support for Israeli’s war in Gaza. Context: According to the 2021 census, the total population of Rochdale was 114,400 with it being 62.7% white, 29.6% Asian, and 3.1% black. Rochdale has a…

  • UPDATE: British historian David Irving still alive

    UPDATE: British historian David Irving still alive

    UPDATE: A previous version of this article alleged that prominent British historian, David Irving had passed away. The information came from an unconfirmed source but a family member of Mr. Irving has now elaborated that their loved one is still alive. David Irving, the legendary British historian and Second World War revisionist, has allegedly passed…

  • Conservative commentator Douglas Murray announces new doxxing database for Israel critics

    Conservative commentator Douglas Murray announces new doxxing database for Israel critics

    According to Irish Nationalist Keith Woods, British conservative commentator Douglas Murray is set to launch a new initiative aimed towards doxxing critics of Israel for “hate speech” in order to hurt their reputation and prevent them from getting jobs. TECAH, The Emergency Coalition Against Hate, will officially be launched by Murray on February 28th at…